Defining a style

A CSS file is a plain text file with the extension '.css'. Within the file there will be a set of style definitions in the following format:

    styling-type: style-value;
    styling-type: style-value;
    styling-type: style-value;

There are several ways in which the target-element-identification can specify which elements within a web page are going to be styled. The simplest case will be where a single XHTML tag has its styling attributes changed.

For example, to change the colour of all <h2> elements in a web page its style sheet should include the following definition:

    color: red;

resulting in the following effect:

This is a <H2> element

This is a paragraph

If we want to apply the same style values to multiple elements we can specify a list of elements. For example, to change all h1, h2, and h3 elements to font-family 'verdana' with colour 'red' we can do this:

h1, h2, h3
    color: red;
    font-family: verdana;

resulting in the following effect:

This is a <H1> element

This is a <H2> element

This is a <H3> element

This is a <H4> element

For simple style applications, the main hurdle for the developer is to remember the style values that are available.


CSS comments are specified using the syntax /* ... */. Everything between the /* and the */ is ignored by the browser when interpreting the style sheet.

Note: Those of you using a CSS aware editor will be able to take advantage of automated CSS style types and values. For example, NoteTab Light has a CSS clip library which will help considerably when creating a stylesheet. See the NoteTab Light configuration page in the XHTML Tutorial.

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Page design by: John P Scott - Hosting with: Netcetera