Securing your website

These note assume you are starting with the previous project .

So, you now have a website with public pages, members only pages and admin only pages. However, you have no mechanism to restrict access to the restricted pages. We will look at how to configure security on your application, and so remedy this situation.

There are several issues to be explored:

  • How do we prevent someone from guessing the URL of a restricted page and gaining access by typing the URL?
  • How do we allow someone to authenticate with the web server to allow access to restricted pages?
  • How do we configure the user interface (i.e. menu) so that it doesn't display options which are not available to an unauthorised user?

Restricting access to pages

ASP.NET applications can take advantage of a built in security model, so that access to pages and folders can be restricted to authorised persons. To configure this we use the ASP.NET Configuration utility in the Website menu of Visual Studio. This utility allows us to set security based on username/password and a role based mechanism which allows us to allocate users to specific roles and restrict access based on those roles.

If we run the ASP.NET Configuration we get:

ASP.NET configuration home page

Application and Provider configuration isn't needed in our simple scenario, so we can just click on the Security Tab:

Security page

The first step is to set up authentication type. The default type is Windows which is only appropriate in an Intranet type environment. We want to specify authentication across the Internet. Click the 'Select authentication type' link, choose 'From the internet' and click Done. You screen should now look like this:

Security with Internet based authentication

You will see that you now have information about users. Before we start working with user accounts we should set up roles. In our case we have three roles: anonymous users, members and administrators. The first task is to 'Enable roles', then choose 'Create or Manage roles. We only need to add member and admin roles, as the anonymous role is built in. We end up with:

Roles added

We can now click Back and go into the 'Create User' option. I add an admin user with username admin and password P@55word.

Adding the admin account

I can click Create User and then add another user, this time username member with password P@55word. We click Back to get back to the main security page. In a live environment you will have multiple member users and some form of registration process. The member user here is just a test account so you can check that security works. Now we need to restrict access to the members and admin pages. We do this by selecting the 'Manage access rules' link:

Manage access rules page

We should see the page listing all the folders in our application. By default the main folder is selected and a default rule is listed which gives all users access to the pages. This is normal for a public website. We want to restrict access to the admin folders to only those users with the role admin. Try the following steps:

  • Click on the admin folder
  • Select 'Add new access role'
  • Choose role 'admin' and select the 'allow' button and click OK
  • Choose 'All users' and select 'deny and click OK.

You now have a rule set for the admin folder with three rules: allow role admin, deny all users and allow all users. Since the deny all users rule is before the allow all users it will effectively block access for users who haven't logged in as admin.

We now need to repeat the process for the member folder. This time we need two allow rules. One for the member role and one for the admin role. We also need to add the deny all users rule last.

We can now close the ASP.NET configuration page and return to Visual Studio. Our security setup is done. We now need to handle the user interface elements. If we run our website we will get errors if we try to click on a link in the members or admin areas. However, the error message isn't a security warning, it is a page not found message. ASP.NET by default looks for a web page called login.aspx if you try to access a restricted page.

Allowing authentication

All we need to do is provide a new web page called login.aspx in the root of our website. We add a login control from the toolbox onto the page and that is it - page complete!

Login.aspx page in Visual Studio

Now if we run our application and select a restricted page the login page pops up. If we provide a valid username and password for the page we want to go to the page will load.

Of course, we may want to provide the ability to login form a link on all our pages. We can do this by dropping a LoginStatus control on our masterpage. When the site runs a login link will appear. If you login the link changes to a logout link.

Login control on masterpage

When this runs you will see that we still get our menu and we have a login link which we can use before clicking on a member or admin page. However, users can still try to go to a restricted page without logging in. The next step will be to make sure that users don't see links in the menu that they are not allowed to use.

Making the menu system respond to the users role.

A simple modification to the sitemap, plus a property change to the sitemap control on the masterpage and a corresponding entry in the web.config file are all that is needed.

Modify the sitemap

We need to add a roles attribute to each menu entry which requires security on it. e.g.:

        url="~/member/default.aspx" roles="admin,member" 
        title="Member home"  description="Member Home" />

Here we see that the member home page has roles admin and member assigned.

Change properties on the Sitemap control in your masterpage

The only property to change is the sitemap provider. We are going to define our own information for our sitemap in the web.config file so we need to give it a name. This can be anything you want, but something like 'mysitemap' makes sense.

Modifying the web.config file

This is the tricky bit. There is no automatic method for creating this, so you can cut and paste from here and change the name to match.

Open web.config and under the line which says:

		<roleManager enabled="true" />


    <siteMap defaultProvider="mysitemap" enabled="true">
        <add name="mysitemap"
             type="System.Web.XmlSiteMapProvider, System.Web,
                        Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral,

Note: the name of your sitemap provider occurs in two places. You need to change both.

You should now have a working website which does not show the member and admin links until you login using the login link.

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