Viewing Table Data

Several controls are available for getting data onto a page. All of them offer extra functionality for editing data, but we will look at this in the next part of the tutorial. Some of the controls are designed for viewing a whole table or the results of a query, whereas others are designed for the display of only one record at a time.

The simplest control is the GridView and we will look at how to use the GridView step by step to reinforce some of the concepts.

Step by step

  1. In Windows Explorer make a copy of your StockControl web application folder and name it GridView.
  2. Run VWD and open the GridView website
  3. Open default.aspx in design view
  4. Drag a GridView from the Data section of the Toolbox onto your page.
    Gridview Smart Tag interface
  5. The GridView Tasks dialog should appear automatically, but if not click the small black arrow at the top right of the GridView control. Now from the Choose Data Source dropdown list select <New Data Source>.
    Data Source Configuration
  6. In the Data Source configuration Dialog choose Database and change the ID to sqldsStock. (We are professionals and we always rename our elements.)
    Configure Data Source - Choose connection
  7. In the Configure Data Source - sqldsStock dialog choose the data connection from the list (there should only be one), and click Next.
    Configure Data Source - Save connection
  8. In the next page of the wizard change the name of the connection to appcsStock and click Next.
    Configure Data Source - Configure Select
  9. In the next page of the wizard choose tblStock from the name drop down list and select the * column. Now click the Advanced Options buttons.
    Advanced SQL Generation Options
  10. In the Advanced SQL Generation Options dialog select the 'Generate Insert, Update and Delete statements' checkbox and press OK, then click Next
    Configure Data Source - Test Query
  11. On the next page you can click Test Query to see whether your connection works. If you are satisfied that it is working click Finish.
  12. If you didn't type any data into your tables, perhaps now is the time to do it so that you will see some data when you run the project. Save your project and select Run. The project will eventually run and you will see a web page with the data from your Stock table in a simple grid.

Try the Gridview application, or download a ZIP version of Gridview.

Alternate controls for viewing data

The ListView control

ListView is new in version 3.5 of ASP.NET and is a logical progression from the GridView, where additional automated functionality is provided. You can experiment with it yourself. It comes into it's own when you need full table editing functionality and the tutorial will look at this in the next page.

The DataList control

Repeat the GridView process above with a new website, called DataList,  but use a DataList control rather than a GridView control. The DataList allows more control over the layout of each record, although the default simply presents each record as a vertical column of Field Name and Field Value pairs. The DataList control is very flexible and caters for multi-column layout however, it does not provide any automatic editing functionality. Use the Edit Templates feature from the Smart Tag to control the layout of each record.

We will not develop the use of DataList controls in this course. Try the DataList application  or download the ZIP version of DataList.

The Repeater control

The Repeater is more complicated to use, but is more flexible. The other two can be edited in design view using templates and the GridView can be configured to do editing etc, without having to write any scripts. The Repeater control has to be edited in Source view, but does give you the flexibility to control exactly how you want each record displaying. The simplest code you can get away with is as follows:

  1. In Windows Explorer make a copy of your StockControl application and name it Repeater.
  2. Start VWD and open the Repeater Website.
  3. Start with the blank page and add a Repeater control.
  4. Configure the Data Source as with the previous two examples.
  5. Switch to Source view.
  6. Find the <asp:Repeater> element and insert an <ItemTemplate> element as follows:
    <asp:Repeater ... >
  7. Inside the ItemTemplate tag you insert the XHTML code for a single record and a special tag for each field within the XHTML.  In the example below four fields are inserted, separated by commas, with a line break at the end.
    <asp:Repeater ... >
        <%# Eval("StockCode") %>
        <%# Eval("Description") %>
        <%# Eval("Price") %>
        <%# Eval("StockLevel") %>
        <br />
  8. If you switch back to design view you will see an approximation of what the data will look like, but you cannot edit the layout in Design view.

Try the Repeater application, or download the ZIP version of Repeater.

As well as the <ItemTemplate> element there are templates allowing you to display alternating items differently, record separators, headers and footers. The following source shows how to list all the StockCodes separated by '|' on a single line.

<asp:Repeater ... >
  <HeaderTemplate>Stock Ids: </HeaderTemplate>
    <%# Eval("StockCode") %>
  <SeparatorTemplate> | </SeparatorTemplate>

The templates can contain any valid XHTML, giving you the ultimate flexibility to create a page layout. Try this alternative Repeater  application or download the ZIP version of the alternative repeater.

We will not develop the use of the Repeater control any further in this tutorial.

The DetailsView control

This control is similar to the GridView control and is configured in the same way. However, this control only displays one record at a time. It can be configured easily to allow edit, insert and delete operations on table data. Try the simple example of DetailsView  or download the ZIP version of DetailsView.

The FormView control

This control is similar to the DataList control except that it only displays one record at a time, and like the DetailsView control it can be configured to allow edit, insert and delete operations, however, it is more complex to configure. The following source shows how to create a simple template to display a single field from the current record.

<asp:FormView ...>
    <p>Description: <%# Eval("Description") %></p>

Try the simple example of FormView  or download the ZIP version of FormView.

We will not develop its use in this course. 

Paging and Sorting Data

The basic controls for displaying data have a great deal of flexibility in the way they can be configured from the properties pages. A common requirement is to be able to display tabular data containing large numbers of records in a manageable way. Pagination is the mechanism by which the web page displays a limited number of records at any one time and provides navigation links to scroll up and down the data, or directly to a specific page. Coupled with this is the need to display data sorted by different criteria. Pagination and sorting are both provided by simple property settings. However, in this section we will look at other settings and configuration options which enhance the user interface. We will use the GridView control for our examples. The other controls use a similar mechanism, but may need more effort to get them to work.


Open the GridView website in VWD. If you select the GridView control and look at its properties you will see a Paging Section. The two basic properties are AllowPaging and PageSize. Set these to true and a number respectively to break the table display down into chunks of a specified number. The default setting provides a numeric page navigation scheme with text links at the bottom of the GridView. More control over the navigation is provided through the PagerSettings property which has lots of sub-settings. These control text and image/icon based navigation, and alternative schemes such as Previous/Next rather than numeric page numbering.

Note: DetailsView and FormView only display a single record. Paging is a simple mechanism to allow scrolling through the records.


If you set the AllowSorting property to true on the GridView control a link is placed in the header for each column. Clicking a link causes the page to refresh with the table data sorted by the chosen column. A second click reverses the sort order.

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